HomeTicketing for eventsCulture, Arts and Attractions

Museums, Theatres & Brand Homes

Attract more visitors and build loyalty by diversifying ticket sales and establishing one-to-one communications with segmented audience groups.

The future of museum, theatre & brand home ticketing


Multi-Product, Multi-Channel Store

Turn your online ticket store into an upselling opportunity, by expanding your ticket sales into a rich product offering.


Increase Ticket Sales

Provide your visitors with a convenient online ticket store to increase your web and mobile sales.


Engage with your audience

Use an in-depth, 360-view of your visitors to launch targeted loyalty programmes and promotional offers.


Increase group bookings

Make it simpler for people to book group visits, by providing options like a single ticket per group and advance reservations with future payment.


Simplify ticket management

Boost your team’s productivity by providing them with a UX friendly and powerful calendar to increase efficency.


Reduce box office queues

Allow your visitors to choose a time slot when they book online, to cut the time they spend waiting in queues and improve visitor flow.

Request a call back or demo

Find out how our solutions can open your world. Our team are happy to consult with you about your goals or give you a demo of our products and offerings at any time.


Let’s Connect

Complete the form and connect with our team to explore how SECUTIX can meet your unique ticketing needs and elevate your audience experience.
