Building a leading event ticketing platform that works for everyone
How SECUTIX works to make events more accessible for your attendees
Here’s what SECUTIX is doing to improve accessibility with our technology and partnerships today.
At SECUTIX, we’re committed to constantly making our platform more accessible and streamlined for you and your customers. Through innovative integrations and strategic partnerships, we’re creating an inclusive experience for all users. Our S-360 Open Platform provides a range of APIs and data export services that allow organisations to customise their online ticket shops with accessibility features tailored to diverse audience needs.
Here’s just a few of the things that we’re doing to improve accessibility with our technology and partnerships today:

Partnering with Recite Me: Accessibility without limits
One of our key initiatives is our strong partnership with Recite Me, a leading web accessibility solution provider. By integrating Recite Me’s assistive toolbar into SECUTIX customers' websites, we’re offering tools that empower all users to navigate the ticketing process seamlessly. Features include:
- Screen reading functionality: Making content accessible for users with visual impairments.
- Live translation: Supporting over 100 languages, with 65 text-to-speech options.
- Reading aids and custom styling: Helping users with learning difficulties or specific visual preferences.
Our new Ticketshop: Designed for simplicity and inclusion
Our latest Ticketshop update takes accessibility to the next level, with ADA/WCAG compliance. New features include:
- Modern, minimalistic UI: A cleaner, intuitive design makes navigation easy for all users.
- Streamlined seat map: Enhanced seat selection simplifies the process for users with visual or cognitive impairments – while SECUTIX’s clear icons that indicate accessible entrances and seats
Improved device compatibility: Optimisations ensure consistent performance across devices, including assistive technologies.
These updates demonstrate our dedication to creating an inclusive ticket purchasing experience that works for everyone.

Companion seating
Our companion seating functionality ensures that everyone, regardless of ability, can enjoy unforgettable event experiences.
With this feature, customers can easily book seats for themselves and their companions in one seamless transaction, guaranteeing that accessibility needs are met without hassle. Whether it’s a concert, a theatre performance, or a sporting event, SECUTIX empowers organisations to create inclusive experiences for all.
- Simplified booking: No more back-and-forth with customer service — accessible seating is integrated directly into the ticketing process.
- Equal experiences: Companions sit side-by-side with their guests, ensuring comfort and inclusivity.
- Compliance and care: Meet accessibility standards while showing your audience you care about their needs.
Accessibility is a journey
We’re always working to enhance the SECUTIX platform, making live events more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Through our integrations, partnerships, and technological advancements, we’re committed to creating an inclusive ticketing ecosystem that adapts to your needs.
Have feedback or ideas for how we can improve? Get in touch—we’re here to listen and innovate together.